Our Mission
To provide families across Virginia with reliable access to tasty, healthy, naturally raised foods, and to steward our God-given resources to His glory by maintaining a consistent commitment to sustainable agriculture and humane farming practices.
About Our Family
Avery’s Branch Farms is a first-generation farm created for the purpose of working alongside our children and offering them the opportunity to cultivate their interests in agriculture. Tim and Joy were high school sweethearts and have been married for more than thirty years. They have been blessed with four sons and two daughters: Meredith, Elliott, Oliver, Sullivan, Harrison, and Sheridan.

May our sons be as plants grown up in their youth;
May our daughters be as pillars,
Sculptured in palace style;
That our barns may be full,
Supplying all kinds of produce;
That our sheep may bring forth thousands
And ten thousands in our fields;
That our oxen may be well laden;
That there be no breaking in or going out;
That there be no outcry in our streets.
Happy are the people who are in such a state;
Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!
Psalm 144:12-15
As a couple, married in 1984 and blessed with six children, we have always been deeply committed to raising a generation of hard-working, productive young adults. In 2007, the opportunity presented itself for Tim to retire from his career of bridge-building and instead work alongside our children in a family-based business. While considering what that business might be, we decided to canvass the Richmond area to see if anyone might be interested in participating in a cow share program. In states where direct sale of raw (unpasteurized) milk is not permissible, people purchase a share in a cow and pay a farmer to board and milk their cow so that they can have access to real milk. Our older sons already had interests in sustainable, organic agriculture and we were familiar with cow share programs through family friends.
We were amazed by the response of the community when we handed out flyers at local health food stores in July of 2007. With such positive feedback we started a cow share program and began selling shares and delivering milk to our new shareholders on August 15, 2007.
Since we had no background in agriculture, we learned everything by reading books about natural, organic, sustainable farming. There were times that we would be driving in our van as a family and those in the front of the van would be reading one book aloud while the back of the van would be reading another book and shouting out important facts to the rest of us.
With the enthusiasm and dedication of our older children, we quickly added to the farm the availability of poultry and pork. It is an understatement to say that our children worked hard (and continue to do so) in the new family venture of sustainable farming. Our oldest daughter, Meredith, and two oldest sons, Elliott and Oliver, willingly sacrificed in so many ways to ensure the success of the farm. We absolutely could not have done this without them. Now that the younger three children, Sullivan, Harrison, and Sheridan, are getting older, they’ve adopted the same spirit of teamwork observed in their older siblings and they too are now an integral part of the farm’s continued success.
By the time the farm was two years old, we had outgrown the small piece of land we owned and realized we would either need to limit the number of families we serve or locate another farm on which to grow. Because of our commitment to debt-free living and inability to purchase a large farm mortgage-free, we opted to look for a rental farm.
In April of 2009 we dedicated one week to searching for a farm and assigned the older family members specific tasks: Tim would search back roads for possible farm rental properties during milk deliveries. Meredith would do an exhaustive search through MLS as well as online county tax records. Joy would list the home we currently lived in to see if there was any interest as a rental. Elliott and Oliver would offer valuable insight as we discussed the research findings. With our strategy in place, we committed the week to God, knowing that without His help, all our effort would be in vain.
When we first saw the farm that would actually become our home for the next 11 years, it seemed like just one more uninhabitable, broken down, overgrown, abandoned farm. However, as we researched the property through online tax records and aerial views, and then eventually contacted the owner, we realized this was God’s provision for us. We moved in on June 20, 2009 and acclimated to life in a 100 year old house with absolutely no air conditioning and only one bathroom that would be shared by our eight family members. The adjustment seemed almost too much to bear.
Yet, when we sent word out to our farm customers who have since become family friends, telling them that we would be relocating and renovating an abandoned farm so that we could continue to grow and provide more families with fresh milk and wholesome meats, they came and helped us! Some pulled vines off the barns and silos, some swept up years of broken windowpane glass, others scrubbed the kitchen cabinets, while some put screens in the farmhouse windows, and one even tiled the bathroom floor. What incredible appreciation we have for all of those who helped us!
As our oldest daughter has recently married and moved away, we are reminded of how quickly time passes and what a treasure it is to spend our days working alongside our children. Because of your support, we are enjoying the finest days of our lives, making memories with the ones we love. Although our days on the farm are physically exhausting, they are incredibly fulfilling. We hope you will sense the joy that you have brought into our family’s life by allowing us to be your local, sustainable farmers. It is our pleasure serving you.
Update 2020…
As the children have continued to grow up, marry, and move away, we have become more aware than ever how difficult dairy farming can be with only a small crew. We began to look for a family who might enjoy helping us. We are delighted that the Stolzfus family, with 10 children and a generational legacy of working hard, agreed to join us. We have known the Stolzfus’s for years and have admired their dedication to raising productive young adults. They have been such a blessing to us as they handle milking and bottling, and we take care of deliveries, customers, and herd care when needed.
We are so incredibly thankful to all of you who have encouraged us along the way. You began as customers but became friends. We’ve raised our babies together, and celebrated their graduations and weddings. Now, as the grandbabies arrive, we rejoice together as we see them being raised on raw milk as well. We will never be able to thank you enough for your support and encouragement through the years.